“Animal Farm” is a classic novel written by George Orwell, first published in 1945. The novel tells the story of a group of farm animals who overthrow their human owner and create a society based on the principles of equality and freedom. However, as time goes on, the pigs who lead the revolution become corrupted by power and gradually become more oppressive than the human owners they replaced.

Plot Summary

The story begins on a farm called Manor Farm, where a group of animals led by a boar named Old Major, who has a dream of a world where all animals are free and equal. He encourages the animals to overthrow their human owner, Mr. Jones, and take over the farm. After Old Major dies, the pigs Snowball and Napoleon emerge as leaders of the revolution, and they work together to overthrow Mr. Jones and take control of the farm. At first, the animals work together to build a new society based on the principles of equality and freedom, and they rename the farm “Animal Farm.”

However, as time goes on, the pigs begin to take more power and privilege for themselves. They justify this by claiming that they are the most intelligent animals and, therefore best suited to lead. They also begin to use violence and manipulation to maintain their power, and they rewrite the rules of the farm to benefit themselves. The other animals become increasingly oppressed and unhappy, but the pigs use propaganda to convince them that everything is going well.

As the years go by, the pigs become more and more like the human owners they overthrew, and the animals’ lives become even worse than they were before the revolution. Eventually, the pigs become so corrupt that they are indistinguishable from the human owners, and the other animals realize that their dream of a free and equal society has been completely betrayed.

Animal Farm Characters

The main characters in Animal Farm are the animals who live on the farm, particularly the pigs Napoleon and Snowball. Other important characters include the horse Boxer, the donkey Benjamin, and the sheep. The human characters in the novel, such as Mr. Jones, are minor and only appear briefly.

Animal Farm Themes

One of the main themes of Animal Farm is the corruption of power. The novel shows how even a well-intentioned revolution can become corrupted when those in power become greedy and self-serving. Another theme is the dangers of propaganda and manipulation. The pigs in Animal Farm use propaganda to control the other animals and convince them that everything is going well, even as their lives become more and more miserable. The novel also explores the idea of the importance of education and critical thinking, as the pigs use their intelligence and education to maintain their power.

Writing Style

George Orwell’s writing style in Animal Farm is straightforward and clear, with simple language and a focus on plot and character development. The novel is written in the third person and is mostly free of complex literary devices. However, Orwell’s writing is powerful in its ability to convey complex ideas and themes through simple language.


Animal Farm is a classic novel that continues to be relevant today. It explores important themes such as the corruption of power, propaganda and manipulation, and the importance of education and critical thinking. The novel’s simple writing style and focus on plot and character development make it accessible to readers of all ages and backgrounds, while its powerful message continues to resonate with readers around the world.

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